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June 26, 2007

In conjunction with the new rate classifications of May 14th, there are new overprints which are available on the netstamps, 13 in total. You can see a scan of a sheet showing these overprints by clicking at the right. (I printed the M-Bag netstamp on the sheet twice by mistake.)

Click Above!

June 24, 2007

To help you distinguish the 3 different "forever" stamps from the convertible booklets, you can click on the images at the right to see enlarged versions of the "FOREVER" microprinting which appears on the right hand side of the lower mounting of the liberty bell.

Avery Scott #4125, 4128,
"FOREVER" 2.4 mm. long

Ashton Potter Scott #4126,
"FOREVER" 1.2 mm. long

Sennett Scott #4127,
"FOREVER" 1.6 mm. long
Click Above!

June 24, 2007

A new type of photonetstamp has made its appearance. This new version has rounded corners and measures 30 mm. x 60 mm. I also happened to notice that there was another type of photonetstamp which heretofore remained unrecognized, leaving us with 3 types in all:

Original issue, September, 2006 : 30 mm. x 59 mm., square corners

First New Type, October, 2006 : 30 mm. x 60 mm., square corners

Second New Type, June, 2007 or prior : 30 mm. x 60 mm., rounded corners
Click above!
It is my guess that the type with rounded corners was issued in May or June of 2007, at the same time that production of the regular photostamps with rounded corners began. These new types are available at the following link.
There is also another variety as it were, one with square corners measuring 30 x 60 mm. Stamps.com has been using this variety on some of their shipments to me. What makes this different is the larger than "normal" serial number. At the right you can see a scan of one such photonetstamp.
Click above!

June 19, 2007

Endicia.com has expanded their instapostage software, and in so doing, added 5 new inscription types to their instapostage offering. With the most recent version of their software one can choose the denomination one prints on any particular instapostage stamp. Prior to the May rate change, one could only print selected denominations for a rather limited group of rate classifications. It is also worth mentioning that the "POSTCARD" inscription type can no longer be printed, a fact which led to the increase in price for the original sets 1CVP43-46 and 1CVP47-50. These 5 new inscription types are offered near the bottom of the personal computer postage webpage. There you'll also find a link to a scan of the 5 new types.

The new types excluding the BPM-type became available shortly before the May 14th rate increase. The BPM-type was added sometime within the last month.

May 25, 2007

The USPS has brought out another 2¢ Navajo stamp. This one is reportedly printed by BCA (Banknote Corporation of America). However the plate number is S111111, the S being the normal prefix for Sennett-issues. This new stamp has the "2007" year-date, making it easily distinguishable from the 3 other varieties already issued.
Click above!

May 19, 2007

Stamps.com has brought out 2 new 2¢-Stamps. The small one comes in sheets of 40 and the large ones in sheet of 20. The small ones are relatively easy to order. The large ones however are not easy to get. For this reason I suspect that the large ones could be relatively scarce over the course of time. Both are on offer at the following link.

There are 2 types of sheets of the large 2¢ photostamps, one with rouletting down the middle and one without rouletting. You can also click on the following link to see a sheet of the small 2¢ photostamps. You may email me for current pricing, if you like.

Click Above!

May 14, 2007

There are 10 new APC stamps, namely:

4 Variable denomination types including:


as well as the fixed-denomination types:

IB... (41¢ indicia-based),
IM... (61¢ international mail to Micronesia & the Marshall Islands),
IB... (69¢ indicia-based to Canada and Mexico),
IM... (90¢ international mail to other destinations),

as well as the 2 variable denomination package stamp types:


I do not know why the inscription in the LL corner of the 69¢ APC-stamp to Canada is IB and not IM. The inscriptions on the $4.60 and $8.95 priority mail and $16.25 express mail stamps are IB rather than PM and EM, as had been the case previously with the old denominations for these rate classifications, thereby making these new APC-stamps indistinguishable from the already-listed Scott CVP62, because these like CVP62 have a face value exceeding 99¢. Thankfully collectors were spared the expense of these high-values as new Scott numbers.

These 10 new APC-stamps are available on my website at the following link.

Click Above!

May 12, 2007

As we all know, there are always errors of some sort in every "Stamp Fulfillment Services" Catalog, and the Star Wars Summer 2007 edition is no exception. Kay at 1-800-stamp-24 pointed out to me that on page 7 the new horses stamped envelope is shown as being denominated 39¢, while the Pineapple Postal Card is shown as being denominated 24¢. Don't we all wish. Alas, in the text the correct denominations and prices are shown. The same denomination error is repeated on page 34. You can see the cut-out of the page at the following link.

Click above!

April 20, 2007

The photostamps have been issued in the new denominations 26¢, 41¢, 58¢, 75¢, 92¢, $1.31, and $4.60, which reflect the new rates effective May 14, 2007. These are on offer beginning at the following link. You can see one of them at the right.
Click above!

April 20, 2007

Well, if it's not one thing, it's another. This time, it's to report that there are line pairs on the (41¢) Sennett flag coil. The line occurs 17 stamps to the right of the plate number stamp, or 13 stamps to the left of the plate number stamp, depending on whether you're a left-counter or a right-counter. Will these be collected simply as line pairs or as longer line strips? I hope only as line pairs. I've shown a line strip of 4 for purposes of illustrating the lack of a line between the 1st and 2nd & 3rd and 4th stamps. Worth mentioning is the fact that I picked up a few rolls with the leader strip miscut, which you can see by clicking on this link. (Later, I saw that there was also a white line at 1R. This can be seen at the following link.

April 9, 2007

Premierpostage.com issued 2 new se-tenant sheets earlier this year in conjunction with the NBA all-star game. Each sheet contains 10 stamps as before, one vertical, 9 horizontal, this time with the 9 horizontal stamps in each sheet being different from one another. These stamps are denominated 39¢.

It is my understanding that the premierpostage.com issues will not be listed in the Scott US-Specialized catalog, in part due to the fact that the retail price of their sheets ranges from $19.95 to $24.95 + shipping, and as such, are seen to be abusive, as far as pricing goes, and in part, because these are do not fall into the same category as the other personalized postage issues being listed by Scott.

There have also been a number of new 41¢ premierpostage stamps issued in conjunction with the Boston Celtics. I am told that additional similar issues are to be expected, probably many more.

I have some of the 39¢ sheets on offer at the following link. I cannot recommend that one collect these, but nevertheless find that there are some collectors who do not want to miss out. The prices that I have to charge on these I am sure will result in very slow sales, and as a result, my supply of these is razor-thin.

Click above!

April 1, 2007

Zazzle.com has released its zazzlestamps in a new small-size and medium-size format. Singles of both are pictured at the right. This was made public in a February 27, 2007 press release. They are available in sheets of 20, but the sheets themselves are slightly smaller than the sheets of the large zazzlestamps. You can see links of the small-sized and medium-sized sheets here.

Initially the 2007 year-date was on the right-hand side for both the small- and medium-sized zazzlestamps, with the exception of one stamp in each sheet, where the date was slightly right of center.
Apparently it was zazzle's intent that the year-date be on the left, because sometime between March 7th and March 20th they moved the year-date to the lower left corner for the new vertical zazzlestamps. Zazzlestamps with the year-date in the lower right hand corner are obviously quite scarce, and those with they year-date slightly right of center are rare. You can view sheets of the small-sized and medium-sized zazzlestamps with the date at the left here also.

The new zazzlestamps with the exclusion of the middle-date zazzlestamps are available on my website at the following links for the small-sized and medium-sized zazzlestamps.

Click Above!

February 10, 2007

A new type of personalized stamp has been issued. These new stamps are called yourstamps and are being marketed by Fuji Film in conjunction with Pitney Bowes. There are 20 stamps to a sheet, along with a few odd stickers meant presumably for children. The reproduction of the photos on the stamps leaves something to be desired, when compared to comparable offerings from the other personalized postage vendors. According to a Press Release YourStamps went live on January 30, 2007. The earliest use occurred shortly thereafter. You can take a look at a full sheet here. These are available on my website at the following link.
Click Above!

The News Archive from 2006

The News Archive from 2007

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The News Archive from 2009

The News from This Year


Even with the internet, I still do things the old-fashioned way:
"One Customer at a Time."
Thank you for your continued patronage!!

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